Sunday, June 1, 2008

The Driver, by Alexander Roy

Another book review... this time, it's a fun book... not intended for professional growth or learning... the book is The Driver, by Alexander Roy.

At first, I had reservations about the book... I opened it on a plane to Chicago and started reading anyway. After 30 minutes, I was enthralled and had to keep reading until I finished it, which was on the plane back the next day.

This is a story of pure determination. Alex, or Polizei, as his friends and admirers call him, is a rally champion. He is willing to sacrifice everything for his dream. He is thorough in his planning and doesn't always play by rules... well for that matter, he never plays by the rules.

He has a web site setup called gumball144, which has all kinds of video clips, pictures and other media for you to enjoy. I would recommend reading the book first...

All I can say is that this book was most excellent and I have to thank my good friend, Michael Stuart, for recommending it to me. I am inspired to go do something like this, now.

Here are a few things I learned from the book (yes, I was still learning things even though it was a fun book :)):
  • Determination is very powerful
  • I should widen my scope of reading and not only focus on work-related books
  • I need to enjoy life a little bit more
  • We are all capable of amazing things, like driving non-stop for 32 hours
Oh, and if you are really interested, he has a movie coming out soon. It looks interesting...

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