Sunday, December 14, 2008

New company that helps you manage your finances:

If you haven't heard of rudder, I highly recommend you check it out. This is a local Houston startup that has a unique approach to helping you manage your finances. I saw their presentation at the Rice Alliance event last Thursday and it was impressive. I met some of their team and they were passionate about what they do.

I signed up for an account myself and set up all of my accounts. It took about 5 minutes to do.

In case you are worried about security, they are a full Verisign-verified / https based service. They use your email as an approach to helping you stay up to date with what is going on. If you spend a little more time telling it about your recurring expenses, it will do forward-looking analysis to help you see where your money is going.

There is a lot this site can do to help people... I am bullish on these guys.

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