Thursday, August 19, 2010

Checking In...

I've been absent when it comes to blogging for a while. Here's a quick post to get things going again... a brief set of topics (not in any particular order) that I plan to write more about shortly...

  1. I've been doing my best to again 'break 80' on the golf course. This has been a personal battle that was on haitus for about 6 months after the passing of my mother in law... but I am back at it...

  2. My wife and I bought a place on Lake Conroe and I have been spending time out there on the weekends... it's given me a different perspective.

  3. My team at work is continuing to amaze me. I have plenty to talk about here. To give a few hints... iPad,, Microsoft SharePoint 2010... more to come...

  4. I have a new dog. 'Izzy' the Shetland Sheepdog.

  5. I am deep into Neil Stephenson's "Anathem".

  6. My Windows Media Center project.

  7. Using Google Voice... this is a game-changing technology.

More to come...

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